Learn to Foil


“Lost in Antiquity, Made for Foiling and the Best in the Universe”

Foil Hwaven

Join the amazing adventure in the magical land of Foil Heaven. Backed by some of the world’s best foil surfers at the only school in Indonesia.

Kerrys Foil Heaven

Fun, full instruction and boat support, all on the immaculate flat water and waves of Ekas Bay. There’s more … kiting, short and long boards, pro and beginner SUPs … even kayaks, mountain bikes, fish and white sand. But there’s still more … the wind is offshore, the food is fantastic and the staff are here to help..

Heaven on the Planet is the first and only resort globally with a quiver of Signature foil boards from 5’ to 9’. The Signature brand, developed in South Africa, is the one we trust.


Signature came, they conquered and said Ekas Bay and Heaven on the Planet is the best they’ve ever seen! … best surf, best flat water and best learning peak. The photos were fantastic. The team was incredibly excited about the future of foiling in such an amazing place. The foils and boards are light carbon fibre, meticulously manufactured and the ride is smooth and fast. Our foil quiver lifts you from all-round to speed to downwind!


The full Learning course

Foil tuition runs for 5 days and you should be surfing waves on day 4 or 5. The first 3 days are behind the boat for over an hour each day to teach you foil balance and all the essential skills. It’s never been easier to get into foiling. Winds are offshore, waves are long straight lines and water is warm. The full 5-day tuition package is available to Heaven on the Planet guests.


We provide everything you need:

  • Boards and foils
  • Tuition with our instructors
  • Boat time
  • Boat taxi in the surf to take you back to the peak or tow in.
  • Plus … photographs to view in the restaurant each night with a free Bintang.


One Day Package

Many people want to try foiling. We tow you behind the boat for more than an hour, with an instructor. Our team will help you select the board and foil. Most beginners like 8 or 9 foot.


For those who already foil, we provide boards, optional water taxi and heaps of local knowledge with an instructor on Day 1 to help you find the best surf. You might foil < 300 m and so it’s great to get a water taxi back if you’re on a 5 foot board! Board surfers can get the same service. It’s available for everyone. Daily rental (board with foil) is available for Planet guests.

Big News

More legends signed up

  • More legends signed up

Big Prize

  • Big Prize

  • Signature visit

Special Offer - 10% discount

  • Special Offer – 10% discount


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